We specifically gave few instructions to the WEB leaders and wanted to see how they would perform in this quick task. Who among them would rise to the task? How would they connect with the 6th grade students and create a feeling of belonging in our school?
Meanwhile the 6th graders had no idea what was about to happen during lunch. All they knew was that they had to wear their special name tags that they made earlier and that "someone" might be contacting them in the lunch room.

So the race was on, and the excited 8th graders quickly started tracking down their "webbies". What strategies would they use to find them? How were they to connect with each student in this sea of students, lunch-time enthusiasm and the excitement of the scavenger hunt?

With little time on their hands the 8th grade WEB leaders rose to the task. During a debrief with the WEB leaders we learned that they connected with the "webbies" and got smiles, laughter and good eye contact. They felt that the exercise was fun and that in many cases they "connected" with their 6th grade WEB students. Sure, we had a few glitches and the process was hard to complete in such short timeframe.

We did have fun and there was a general feeling of connection in the lunch room. We hope this and future WEB projects continue with this theme of connection and belonging in our school.
Mason and crew - I love the update and would love to be there in person to see this in action!! You guys are doing great things and I can't wait to hear more about it!